This post outlines the rules for using the AOC Forums.
Any breach of the above rules may result in a warning or a ban if the warning goes unheeded.
These rules can and will be modified at anytime, offenders who say "oh but i didn't know" will not be immune to these rules. As a user of this forum it is your responsibility to know the rules and abide by them.
Thank you for your co-operation.
- Admins & Moderators are here not only to help you but to ensure that no abusive content / SPAM remains on the site. As such posts will be deleted without warning if a Moderator deems that it is abusive or SPAM.
- If you wish to sell items through the Forums, please post all items for sale in the "For Sale" Forum. Posting of any such advertisement in any other Forum (except in answer to another members query) will result in that post being deleted. Members who continue to do this will be warned and banned if needed.
- Abusive behaviour towards Admins & Moderators will NOT be tolerated.All members of the AOC team are volunteers & do not get paid. They spend a lot of their free time to help this Club run and continue to evolve and as such do not deserve to be abused. Any member found doing this will be given ONE WARNING ONLY. If an incident should occur again, the member WILL be banned.
- Any changes in the Site or Forums that may need to take place that could affect usage for Members will be posted in ample time to give warning of any downtime.
- Amendments and additions to the Forum rules may be made at any time without prior notice.
- No posting in UPPER-CASE!, this is considered rude!
- Avatar size is restricted to 200 x 200 pixels, please keep your signature image(s) size down to no more than 400 x 200.
- All users MUST have their location filled out in the location box.
- All avatars and signatures must be work safe. Anything that is deemed inappropriate will be moved at the discretion of the mods and admin.
- The posting of threads which contain non work safe material must be clearly marked in the thread title.
- No 'Txt speak'. Please use correct spelling and grammar. There is no problem with using a few abbreviations or unintentional mistakes but deliberate and continual use of 'Txt speak' will not be tolerated.
Any breach of the above rules may result in a warning or a ban if the warning goes unheeded.
These rules can and will be modified at anytime, offenders who say "oh but i didn't know" will not be immune to these rules. As a user of this forum it is your responsibility to know the rules and abide by them.
Thank you for your co-operation.