
Addicted to Torque
Staff member
For those that remember the first version (MKI) on the grey car here's it's build thread -http://www.almeraownersclub.com/threads/n16-pulsar-sedan-front-grill.22686/

Thought I'd start a new thread for this new one for posterity.

I always intended to tweak the grey car's and do a better job but after it got destroyed it seemed a whole new version was needed.

Learning form the MKI, fibreglass and filler are out, or at least used sparingly. So I've turned to plastic welding and am attempting it myself. Method sorted, what to do with the MKII? The Phase 2 bumper lacks a decent splitter and with the way it curves in at the bottom you loose definition. I always wanted more bulk there so looked to other bumpers for that and ones that might blend with the N16 bumper.

I looked at Subarus; the Legacy seemed promising. But a failed purchase made me look elsewhere. Closer to home the Almera Tino has potential. The splitter like lip (almost like the phase 1 N15 GTi) I thought could work. This along with the VZR skirts and rear spats I have it should tie in quite nicely.

So one Tino bumper purchased, alongside the N16 phase 2 bumper:


Next up, the most important part, the grille.

Just briefly, the N16 in the Asia/Pacific region is a little different body wise. In Japan it's called the G10 Bluebird Sylphy (JDM). It's only a 4dr Sedan and with a different bumper and bonnet shape it has a one piece grille that fills the area between the headlights, unlike the UK/Euro version (and Australia's hatch, but I digress) which has a 'kidney' grille. Worst part of the car imo especially on the phase 2 where it's larger.

JDM G10/N16:


Last time I used X-Racing's aftermarket open mouth design. Different car, different bumper, so I'm trying out Depo's grille which reminds me of the N15 Lucino grille, so we'll call it that. I want to mount the grille separately rather than blend it in. To do this reliably we imported the section of the Asia bumper that holds the grille. Tried to do this on the MKI but bumper flex and lack of experience/skill drove me to blend it in with the bumper. This led to further problems as I didn't make it strong enough and cracks in the paint appeared not long after it was sprayed, and is why I planned to re-do it.

Depo 'Lucino' style grille, and cut out:



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Made a start cutting up the bumpers. Hoped to use the legs of the front grille to add again to the phase 2 bumper. Thinking was also that it would provide a better opening for airflow to the intercooler.


A lot more fettling later and it's taking shape:



Then time for a trial fit. If there's anything I've learnt about doing this is test test test and when you think it's fine, test it one more time. Maybe two. When cutting just do a bit at time, see how it lines up, and it'll show you how much more to take off. Remember it's a lot easier to take more off, than add more on.



Pleased with how it's looking by this point, but seems a bit too high. I wanted to have the bumper so that it doesn't need additional splitters. Starting to get handy with the Dremel, it seemed adding a little more depth wouldn't be a big issue. Wasn't too bad but more fiddly and needed more accuracy than I expected. Took a strip from the old rear bumper.

Got there in the end:









With the grille mount cutout needing a bit more work, and the rest having taken shape I've started getting stuck into the plastic welding. Started well I think. Liking how by adding a bit of extra heat to the surround area you can force to plastic to flex how you want. Just means holding it in place. The current cold weather helps here as it sets fast.


Got this shizzle in the post today. Perfect for smoothing the little bits on the bumper, and strengthening.


This section done both sides. I'd say half way there but got some tricky stuff coming up with the lower grille legs.

More photos whoring. Test fitted on the car again after most of the welding now done. Had to undo some of the work and re-weld because it was being warped a little on the car but that's sorted now :).




Quite a bit of small detailed work to go yet, which is not clear in the photos. At least another week working on it on and off I reckon which I can't start until Monday now. After that I need to finish VZR skirt repairs and complete the mounting. I want to get everything painted at the same time so waiting for the GRP bonnet too.

Paint bonnet
Paint bumper
Paint VZR skirts and spats
Fix and Paint tailgate and trim, and rear bumper

Getting all that done professionally.

Going to look fresh when complete. Don't think I'll make it in time for Tubbs, so new target of Japfest now.
Fingers crossed you get it sorted in time wanna see this all done up and looking sweet!

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Lol. I'm actually nervous about it because what if I spend all the money painting it and it comes out shit! Way more change on this than the mkI so more risk.

Looking good Ed. :)

forgive me for asking, but ignoring the grille difference, how easy would it be to fit a tino bumper to an N16?
is the tino wider than the n16?
how different are the mounting points?
Very different Fred. It's wider and the mounting will be totally different.
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A few problems with the first one, so started again with a new Tino bumper.

Mistakes I made (you can see previous photos earlier in the thread for reference):

- Cut too much away from the top of the lower grille so original shape didn't hold and warped when heated for plastic welding.
- Took too much away from the whole bumper and tried to weld stuff to it with bumper off the car.
- Cut the Tino bumper into too many parts.
- Adding the extra depth after the bumper was cut, so started out one way then the changes kinda threw it a bit.

So, fresh start, making it better by cutting it right for the end design from the outset. This was MUCH easier this time round.

The leg parts in the lower grille I'll be adding still.

Some pics of the progress.








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