Old people and manual gearboxes...

...shouldn't be allowed on the road! Twice today I had an old guy run into the back of me at traffic lights. Went out to buy a hard disk, old guy slipped off the clutch I assume, bit of a scuff and impression of his fog light in my bumper. A bodyshop would probably charge £200 to fix it so I let him off, I'm nice like that, and the car'll only be worth £1-1.5 by the time I come to sell it, and it'll knock £30 off at most. Fuck it.
Then on the way back the exact same thing happened. The entire centre bit of the dashboard fell out and I got pizza all over my shirt. Properly pissed off, more about my shirt than anything else. His daughter was in the passenger seat and the bitch started getting lippy with me about the whole thing, so I accidentally spilt all my coke in her window.

Shoot the lot of em
Cam said:
The entire centre bit of the dashboard fell out and I got pizza all over my shirt.

Christ. Must have hit pretty bloody hard to shake the fittings!

Cam said:
His daughter was in the passenger seat and the bitch started getting lippy with me about the whole thing, so I accidentally spilt all my coke in her window.

Shoot the lot of em

lol! :lol: Sounds like that was a bad one though, hope you got insurance details in exchange for the coke! ;)
No real damage, the bumper looks like it might be slightly dislodged, but it's not really the sort of thing you'd notice unless if you weren't looking. It didn't feel to hard at the time, guess I just didn't assemble the dash to well when I put in my headunit!

I'm over it now, but people annoy me. And why do they feel the need to get out of their cars in the middle of the road, drive to the side people! No need to hold everyone else up
twice today mate ? once is bad enough for a day.

I nearly crashed today because lazy drivers in bham cut from the left lane into the right lane and then back to the left lane in round abouts (pure lazyness) and when you horn them they are thinking WTF! because I am in a modded car and etc but that does not mean I am not wrong for horning the fuck out of them. I mean it does not matter if I am in a Merc or what ever there is no excuse to cut a round about.
my parents do it and I think WTF! I am scared and got the para's every time I am in the car when they are driving. when I had my N16 my dad drove my car and almost cut a Merc A-Class up around a bend.

people don't even know they cut the roundabout. this happends to me all the time and I advise people that are new in bham to watch out.

also hate people when there are parked cars on the right (opposite side) and the oncoming traffic drive in the middle of the road thinking they are going too close but infact they are getting closer to me. I mean the cars are parked and are not going to move and you have more of a chance hitting me !

sorry to hijack but just needed to say it lol
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