Seatbelt question?


Captain Slow
Firstly does anyone know if the Phase 1 GTi had the prtentioner in it.

This is for the drivers seatbelt. I only ask as i can't get to mine just now. To take of the interior panel which will confirm this.

Also my seatbelt has freyed to an extent it needs replacing, but can i just get a seatbelt and re-use the mechanism or do i require a whole new mechanism with seatbelt already wound on. If not how do i wind the seatbelt on???

Any help will be greatly recieved, as i have searched and searched and not found anything?

not sure with the almera but would think its the same.. when the tensioner went in my audi, i had to by a whole new unit with the tensioner built in.
wouldnt take a seatbelt apart for safety reason and i dont think they make a diy belt.
So this means that the seat belt and mechanism will all come as one? And will just be pretty much a straight swap?

Sorry rhyd pretty thick the night
on the audi behind the plastic panel, you got the tensioner bit at the botom for it to retract the belt,with a wire for the airbags attatched, you'l have the seatbelt aound that with the buckle and the hook that it loop around up high.
its all basicly a remove and bolt up job, but i had to set the airbag light again with a vagcom system
id imagine all seatbelts are very similer in design, buy a complete unit new is my advise.
Ok thanks rhyd, But do you know if the phase one has the pretentioner.

I'm sure it's a white arm on the mechanism. Just i know that some have them and some don't, but not sure which ones:lol:
Oh no. you've totally scared the crap out of me now. Oh well i'll still give it a go, what's the worst that can happen.
mattmera said:
what's the worst that can happen.

Famous...last....and...what's the other one? Ah! words! lol :P

hehe only joking you'll be fine, I've changed a couple of seatbelts over, and as long as you don't try and play footy with it afterwards you'll be fine ;)
I've got a P1 GTi front seatbelt at home and it definitely has the pretensioner on it. Unfortunately it's the passenger side one I think :( so not useful to you.

Going to be really stupid here......................

But do the seat belts matter what side they are on. Are the not just the same but being pulled from a different direction?

*runs and hides in a corner*
mattmera said:
Going to be really stupid here......................

But do the seat belts matter what side they are on. Are the not just the same but being pulled from a different direction?

*runs and hides in a corner*

Err I think they're sided and symettrical so the right side will only fit on the right side etc.

If they are the same, you are welcome to this one I have which is in good shape for not much + postage.

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